My New YouTube Channel

I'm launching a new YouTube channel for dads and men.

Us dads today do three times as much child care as dads did in 1965. Us dads today do 2.5 times more household chores than dads did in 1965.

And yet the numbers also say that us dads still don’t think we’re doing enough.

I want to do 2 things with this channel.

First, I’m going to share some of the things that I’ve learned along my short journey that have helped me be a kinder and less angry dad, human, and husband. I also want to learn from you and hear your story. 

Second, I want to tell you as much as I can that I’m so proud of you. I want to tell you what a great job you’re doing and how important you are to your family and your kids. and I’m with you. I’m on your side. Your family needs you and we all need you.

I see dads at the park with tired eyes and two kids giving their wife a nap. I see dads struggling with a 2 year-old in the grocery store trying to help out. I see dads at restaurants being patient and holding it together in your car.

I’m with you, I’m on your side, and you’re not alone.

I’m just trying to be a positive force for us dads and men. Subscribe to the channel if you want that kind of content. As of right now, the YouTube channel is the only place I’m publishing my content. You can also connect with me on Instagram. If you want to get on my email list go ahead at subscribe here on the site. At this point I’m just gonna send out an email alert when a new video goes up each week. 

It’s hard to be a dad in 2019. You gotta work your ass off to provide, take care of the kids, support your wife, maintain friendships and family relationships, and try to have a life for yourself outside it all.

And you have to do all of that without losing your patience, staying calm and cool, being funny, well-dressed, eating the right food, not drinking too much, being financially stable, politically informed, socially conscious, environmentally friendly.

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Get in Touch

The best way to contact me is via email: shaun @ shaunkeating dot com